Press 2023-2014
RADIO VATICANAIl Concerto di Amburgo di György LigetiL'impermanenza della memoria di Alessio Elia05.07.202313.09.2023Introduction to "Ligeti il Maestro" the series of Radio Vaticana created and presented by Marco Di Battista for the 100th anniversary of Ligeti's birth.Interview with Alessio Elia about his revision of the "Hamburgisches Konzert" by Ligeti, on the basis of which the first revised performance was realized, which took place at the Budapest Music Center on May 28, 2023 (the 100th anniversary of the Ligeti's birth) within the Ligeti 100 Festival.The revision is published in the Elia's book "The Hamburgisches Konzert by György Ligeti", published by Edition Impronta, together with the most exhaustive and complete analysis on this work, including all the sketches and two unpublished moviments.Within the same Festival, the first performance of "L'impermanenza della Memoria" by Alessio Elia, commissioned for the Festival and performed by Trio K (Manuel Zurria, Francesco Dillon, Emanuele Torquati).Interview realized by Marco Di Battista.1st episode (in Italian)11th episode (in Italian)Click here for the whole seires dedicated to Ligeti's opus.© Marco Di Battista© Radio Vaticana

RAI CULTURALe infinite vibrazioni di György Ligeti27.05.2023Interview with Alessio Elia about his revision of the "Hamburgisches Konzert" by Ligeti, on the basis of which the first revised performance was realized, which took place at the Budapest Music Center on May 28, 2023 (the 100th anniversary of the Ligeti's birth) within the Ligeti 100 Festival.The revision is published in the Elia's book "The Hamburgisches Konzert by György Ligeti", published by Edition Impronta, together with the most exhaustive and complete analysis on this work, including all the sketches and two unpublished moviments.Within the same Festival, the first performance of "L'impermanenza della Memoria" by Alessio Elia, commissioned for the Festival and performed by Trio K (Manuel Zurria, Francesco Dillon, Emanuele Torquati).Interview realized by Sergio Macedone.Click here to listen to it (in Italian)© Sergio Macedone© RAI Cultura

BRAWOOGerman magazine for wind music05.03.2023Interview to Alessio Elia and the conductor Andrea Barizza, regarding the first performance of Elia's new piece "Wreiheit" written for the Dresdner Bläserphilharmonie and dedicated to its conductor Andrea Barizza.The premiere took place in the concert hall of the Kulturpalast Dresden on March 12th.Click here to read the interview (in German)

RAI CULTURA18.12.2022Interview for Rai Cultura within the 59th Festival of Nuova Consonanza about Elia's piece "Il Canto Segreto" commissioned by the Festival and written in memory of Elia's teacher Giovanni Piazza.
Click here to watch it (Italian)

Strumenti & MusicaIl “canto segreto” della fisarmonica30.10.2022Interview with Alessio Elia about "Il Canto segreto" for three accordions, commission of the 59th Festival Nuova Consonanza in Rome.Interview realized by Sergio Macedone.Click here to read the interview (in Italian)

Živá hudbaUNIVERSITY OF PRAGUEArticle about Elia's Polysystemismpublished on "Živá hudba"the Review for the Study of Musicand Dance of the University of Pragueclick here to download it

Radio VaticanaAlessio Elia: Portrait-interview15.12.2021Marco Di Battista interviews Alessio EliaListen to the podcast here

Mannheimer MorgenAbout the première of "Incantesimi di Merseburg"Kammerchor StuttgartFrieder Bernius, conductor25.02.2020Alessio Elia's "Incantesimi di Merseburg" goes back to pre-Christian Germanic-Pagan magic spells and develop from a simple "d" into a metamorphic 16-part sound surface piece. Elia rarely highlights specific events but with fantastic sound mixes he creates almost non-choir sounds that - literally enchanting - pull you into completely different spheres. Fifths, seconds, thirds - a leisurely and filigree flowing work of voices sometimes moves in wide spreads between bass and soprano like a stream of power and light. This creates high tension. Elia does not care about the prohibitions of a supposed avant-garde of the past. A fascinating sound characteristic that grows out of masterly design.© Stefan M. Dettlinger - Mannheimer Morgen
click here for the original text in German

Eßlinger ZeitungAbout the première of Incantesimi di MerseburgKammerchor StuttgartFrieder Bernius, conductor25.02.2020And when else do you hear clusters of such density, sensuality and precision? In Alessio Elia's premiered "Incantesimi di Merseburg" - settings of two late pagan spells - everything is required together in the almost absurd extreme. Elia combines up to seven different tuning systems (such as well-tempered, pure or meantone tuning), even for the highly trained soloists this can only be managed with special tuning forks. The result is iridescent complexes of sound, persistent agglomerations, evocative and surreal: truly a magic of the inner transformation of the sounds.© Martin Mezger - Esslinger Zeitungclick here for the original text in German

Die RheinpfalzAbout the première of Incantesimi di MerseburgKammerchor StuttgartFrieder Bernius, conductor24.02.2020Alessio Elia, a thrilling composerElias's two-part piece, written for the Mannheim Society for New Music and dedicated to the Stuttgart Chamber Choir and Frieder Bernius, actually identifies him as a particularly exciting tone-creator. The sensitive and refined choir sound with its intermittent friction in the smallest particles of spaces, the dynamic process and the dramaturgy of the structure pointed out a pronounced creative imagination. Incidentally, Elias "magic spells" are a bravura piece for the solo soprano, who brilliantly realized the tricky passages.
© Die Rheinpfalz© Gabor Halaszclick here for the original text in German

Review of Implicate Inklings on Magyar Narancs09.05.2019Review by Szábolcs Molnár"The premiere of Alessio Elia's Clarinet Concerto"Read the original clip article in HungarianRead it on the web in HungarianRead the whole article in ItalianRead the whole clip of the article in EnglishALL RIGHTS RESERVED© Szábolcs Molnár© Magyar Narancs

Review of Octet on Il Corriere MusicaleWARNER CLASSICS
10.10.2018Review by Stefano Cascioli
"The very original writing of Alessio Elia is an unicum
in the compositional landscape of our times"
Read the whole article in Italian
Read the whole clip of the article in English
© Il Corriere Musicale 2018© Stefano Cascioli 2018

Interview for RAI Radio 3about Octet, recorded by I Solisti della Scalaconducted by Andrea Vitello and released in Cdby Warner ClassicsRoma30.08.2018Speaking about the work "Octet".Interview lead by Guido Barbieri.With the contribution of Fabrizio Meloni, first clarinet of La Scalaand Andrea Vitello, conductor of I Solisti della Scala.
Review of Octet for Classic VoiceWARNER CLASSICSPaolo Petazzi"Elia gode della stima del collega Peter Eötvös.Sono molto diversi, ma in comune hanno la saldezza della costruzione e la ricchezza delle aperture di ricerca.E' molto attraente la differenziazzione della scrittura nei due tempi del pezzo di Elia.""Elia enjoys the esteem of the colleague Peter Eötvös.They are very different, but in common they have the solidity of the construction and the richness of the research.The differentiation of writing in the two-movement of Elia's piece is very appealing."Click on the image to read the article

CAFe - Contemporary Arts Festival"Listen to the iPod of the award-winning composer!"("Hallgass bele a díjnyertes zeneszerző iPodjába!")Playlist of Alessio's favourite pieceswith comments of the composerpublished on the CAFe Festival websiteSeptember 2017BudapestOriginal text in HungarianClick here to read it in Hungarian on the website of the FestivalClick here for English translation© CAFe - Contemporary Arts Festival Budapest© Müpa

Night Italia"Alessio Elia - A certain glance"Article by Elena AbbadoFebruary 2017RomeArticle-Interview with Alessio Elia realized by Elena Abbado.Click here to read it(English)© Elena Abbado© Night Italia© Andrea Félvegi (photo)

Bartók Radio"Új Zenei Újság" (New Music News)Szabolcs Molnár aboutVoynich Lied - Ai Prigionieri5 June 2016Budapestclick here to listen to the review on the Bartók Radio (in Hungarian)(at 18:36:24 of the player)ENGLISH TRANSLATION"For me the most interesting vocal piece of the concert was the Voynich Lied by Alessio Elia, for piano, trumpet and soprano. This piece by Elia is based on the famous, mysterious, insoluble and enigmatic Voynich manuscript, of the XIV-XV century, whose language is still unknown. An English scholar has identified the sound of some phonemes, on which Alessio Elia has based his work.It was really sensational for me, also because this work is different from other pieces I know of Alessio Elia.He cleverly refers to medieval music with a great refinement and an excellent taste.In a very particular way he transposes and enriches the fourteenth century techniques, and actually he makes them new in a composition whose dimension is the one of XXI century"© Bartók Radio© Szabolcs Molnár

MuzsikaThe most important Hungarian review of Classical MusicJune 2015BudapestInterview with Alessio Eliarealized by Máté Hollós.Within the series "Szerzők bontakozóban" (Composers arriving on the scene)click on on the following links for reading the article in Hungarianclick here to read the English translationclick here to read the Italian translation© Máté Hollós© Andrea Félvegi (photo)© Muzsika 2015

Cité de la MusiqueCdmc - Centre de documentation de la Musique contemporaineConference about Elia's "Polysystemism"28 November 2014ParisSymposium "L'influence des théories scientifiques sur le renouvellement des formes dans la musique contemporaine"Coordinator: Márta GrabóczPresentation by: Laure Marcel-Berlioz and Marta GraboczAmong the Lectureres:Alessio EliaJean-Pierre LuminetHector ParraJean-Claude Rissetclick on the first image for listening to the lecture of Alessio Elia:"Polysystemism: A simultaneous employment of different tuning systems emerging from String Theory, M-Theory and Supersymmetry" by (English)click here to watch the videoclick on the second image to download the brochure (French)click here to download the complete programme of the Symposium (French / English)click here for listening to the other lectures (French)

Canal C2 - Université de StrasbourgConference about Elia's "Polysystemism"28 November 2014ParisSymposium "L'influence des théories scientifiques sur le renouvellement des formes dans la musique contemporaine"Coordinator: Márta GrabóczPresentation by: Laure Marcel-Berlioz and Marta GraboczAmong the Lectureres:Alessio EliaJean-Pierre LuminetHector ParraJean-Claude Risset
Elia: "Polysystemism: A simultaneous employment of different tuning systems emerging from String Theory, M-Theory and Supersymmetry" by (English)click here to watch the video

MuzsikaThe most important Hungarian review of Classical MusicJuly 2014BudapestCritic and review by Szabolcs Molnárabout "Trasparenze"orchestral piece commissioned by Rádio Bartókand performed at Studio 6 of the National Hungarian Radio byThe National Hungarian Radio Orchestra withLászló Tihanyi as a conductorclick on the images for reading the article in Hungarianclick here for the English translationclick here for the Italian translation© Szabolcs Molnár© Andrea Félvegi (photo)© Muzsika 2014

Péter Eötvös - La Repubblicaabout Alessio Elia's music and the awarding of the first prize to him at the UMZF 2013 competition where Eötvös was chief of the jury2 June 2014Romeclick on the images for reading the article© Péter Eötvös© Klaus Rudolph (photo)© La Repubblica(Italian)